Game Updates

The Call Consumes You

Thank you everyone for attending our last game of this spring, At the Swamp of Madness! We enjoyed seeing everyone come out, both new and old faces, and appreciate your dedication to the game. Our team would love to hear how you thought we did with our post-game survey here:

Be on the lookout for more info about our post-game meeting and elections next week!

General Updates

Gator HvZ Wants YOU

The world is ours! But the last remaining vestiges of humanity are planning something. They seek to travel back in time to prevent the awakening of the great dreamer, to prevent our glorious conquest of the world in his name. Will you answer the Call of Cthulhu and stand with us to stop these humans at all costs?

Gator Humans versus Zombies is looking for volunteers to start as zombies during this weekend’s 2-day game of Nerf-tag zombie survival, at the Swamp of Madness! If you’re interested, please reach out to us via DM on social media, DM a moderator on Discord or GroupMe, or email us at

And, as always, if you haven’t registered yet register here!

Game Updates

At the Swamp of Madness Schedule

Gator HvZ at the Swamp of Madness is 6 days away! Here’s the schedule for this 2-day game, we hope you are as excited as we are!

Please note that that you must arrive on Friday before 8pm, and we would ask that you arrive a bit earlier if you need to chronograph a blaster. If you are not arriving until Saturday, please arrive at 12 to get checked in and receive your rules overview. If you cannot make it to the game until after both rules sessions, please message us directly. Any changes to this schedule will be announced on our Discord and GroupMe, which you can join at the link on our website.

If you haven’t already, register for the game on our website at

General Updates

Beware: Ammo Scavenging

Hey everyone! Just a reminder that our Last of Us game is going to be on Saturday, February 4th from 1-8pm! There is a unique ammo scavenging mechanic for this game. Please read through this mechanic below to prepare for the game!

In this game players may not bring their own darts or flashlights. You will have to find and earn your ammo throughout the game. Ammo crates will contain random mixes of Full Darts (elite style), Half Darts (Dart Zone half darts), Rival Balls, Ultra Darts, and Mega Darts. Plan your loadouts accordingly and be prepared to be flexible. You may bring your own blasters or use one of our loaners. Socks will be limitless, so feel free to bring as many as you need.

If you haven’t already, register for the game here!

General Updates

Humans versus Zombies Halloween is in 5 days!

This Halloween, join Gator Humans versus Zombies and SAI for UF’s largest, most ambitious HvZ game ever! Venture into the tight, winding corridors and once-boisterous stadium of the O’Connell Center as you face hordes of zombies and fight to save humanity with nothing but your wits and a nerf blaster. The battle begins at 5:30pm on Halloween Night, Monday 10/31. Will you survive the apocalypse — or will you too join the ravenous undead?

This event is only open to current UF students and will be limited to loaner blasters only. Feel free to arrive or leave anytime between doors open at 5:30pm and the end of the event at 11pm!

Full rules and registration information can be found on the event page here!