Travel Player’s Guide
When: July 22nd & 23rd
Where: The University of Florida Campus (Gainesville, FL)
What: 1 day of Humans vs Zombies Nerf Tag, and 1 day of Player vs Player Nerf Battles
Who: Open to the General Public & Free (if younger than 18 parent or guardian presence is required)
Schedule of Events
July 22nd Zombie Tag Schedule
10am-11am: Registration
12pm-1:15pm: Mission 1
2:30pm-3:45pm: Mission 2
6pm-7:15pm: Mission 3
8:30pm-9:30pm: Mission 4
July 23rd PvP Schedule
10:00am-11:00am: Registration and Check-In
11:00am-12:30pm: Campus Control
12:30pm-2:00pm: Kill Confirmed
2:00pm-3:00pm: Lunch
3:00pm-4:30pm: Goal Garrison
4:30pm-6:00pm: Finale
Reitz Union Hotel On Campus: $109 Per night
Days Inn (0.4 Miles from Campus): $98 Per Night
Parking is available for free in the Reitz union garage:
737 Reitz Union Drive Gainesville, FL 32611
Other Free Parking is Frequent along GALE LEMERAND Drive.
Campus Map is available online at campusmap.ufl.edu.
On Campus: Subway. Chick-Fil-A. Mi Apa (Cuban). Panda Express. Starbucks (Multiple Locations).
Buffet Style: Fresh Food Company, Gator Corner Dining Center
Walking distance to Campus: Relish, The Social At Midtown, Wawa, Chipotle, Bolay, Publix.
Lunch will be provided on Saturday & Sunday (specifics to be announced closer to the game)
What to Bring
While Loaner Blasters, Socks, & Darts may be available, we encourage you to bring your own gear that follows our rules & guidelines available on our Modification Guide.
As it will be hot, we recommend you bring: Reusable water bottle or CamelBack, Sunscreen, Bug Spray, Eye Protection, Closed toed shoes, extra outfit/socks. Any medications or prescribed anti-allergens.
Rules & Gameplay
Please see the rules available here on our website. The moderator team reserves the right to change specific rules necessary for missions or individual situations. As always, the moderators are always right. Please keep your thoughts to yourself until after the game to keep conflict to a minimum.
Enforcement for Non-UF Students
A field moderator may give you a verbal warning if they see you, or hear of you breaking our game rules & guidelines. Receiving a second verbal warning will result in you receiving a Formal Warning from the moderator team.
If it is necessary to give you a second Formal Warning, you will be asked to leave the event.
Any grievous breaches of policy including unnecessary physical violence, intense verbal beration of other players, etc. may result in you being asked to leave the event immediately.
Gator HvZ has established a strong, valued relationship with UF Police Department. Ultimately, our rules come after theirs. Please comply with all Police instructions and contact moderators immediately if engaged with by a member of law enforcement.
Accessibility & COVID-19:
While we strive to be inclusive, our game is inherently suited for individuals with an average athletic ability. Outdoor running, tagging, sweating, etc. are all a part of the game. Paved roads for travel during gameplay are not guaranteed. Safety goggles available upon request. Bright lights, fog, surprises, and soft projectiles will all be a part of this game. While discouraged, players may use harsh language. If you need specific accommodations, please reach out to the moderator team with significant notice before the game.
As the federal government and state of Florida have ended precautions for COVID-19, mask use will not be enforced. We encourage you to not attend if you have any illnesses or symptoms up to 48 hours before the event.
Gator HvZ stands by our policy of “Don’t be a Dick”. This includes a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination of any kind.